Our Fav Adobe CC Shortcuts


Are you looking for ways to save time in your graphic design process? We’re with you! There are always new skills and processes to learn on Adobe Creative Cloud products, especially with their cloud-based updates. It’s definitely a constant learning cycle, but let’s do it together. Lucky for us, there are keyboard shortcuts to save us time along the way.

But with everything else we have to learn, who has time to memorize all the keyboard shortcuts for each program? We’ve got you covered - we’ve designed a PDF with our favorite shortcuts to help you save time in a big way. Print it, keep it on your desktop or post it up on our office bulletin board - keep it close by whenever you need to reference it. We hope this helps you preserve your precious time for the things you love more, like sipping cortados, cuddling with corgis, hiking with akitas or enjoying a nice craft brew.

Our go-to Adobe CC programs are Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign so we’ve included these three programs on our downloadable pdf. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive guide, click here for a great cheat sheet by makeawebsitehub.com.

Click here to download Matchbox’s Favorite Adobe Shortcuts.

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